I am exceedingly grateful and proud to present the b/w version of Wyrd's Flight new logo by the one and only Ingram Blakelock, the multi award winner multimedia artist renown for his amazing videos for A Forest of Stars, My Dying Bride and Duncan Evans!
Please do check his superb and unique work here:
...and watch out for Ingram's new video for the stunning A Forest of Stars upcoming album (February 2015).
In its brightly coloured painted version, the logo pays homage to Hindu/Tibetan art and mythology. It also contains Shamanic, Egyptian and Celtic elements close to my heart.
The Tibetan-inspired font used for the zine name refers to eastern spiritual practices (in particular Buddhist meditation, Krya yoga and Tantra) that have been a big part of my life and huge inspiration since my early teens, as important tools (amongst many) in finding harmony through my personal vision of spiritual a-theism.
The Eagle is a powerful symbol in many ancient and recent cultures, representing freedom, strength and spiritual quest. It is the king of the skies, the creature that can rise above the earth in both a physical and mystical way.
In shamanic traditions we find it, amongst others, as a totem bringing enlightenment and freedom for the Native American Indian nations, and as a messenger of the Great Sky (Tengri) in Mongolian and Turkic culture. It represented Zeus himself in Greek mythology, and it was the ultimate symbol of power in Roman times. It appears as an important mythical creature in both Buddhist and Hindu traditions: in the latter, Garuda is Lord Vishnu’ vahana (or mount).
Garuda in Tibetan Buddhism is a bird-like creature representing fearless wisdom; it lent 4 specific elements to Wyrd's Flight new logo: wings, fire, horns and the third eye, gateway to our inner world and higher states of consciousness.
Native Indian Shaman
Deathspell Omega's Angel Wings
Tal'Set (The Way of the Warrior)
Fire had a crucial role in human history and therefore holds deep and powerful esoteric meanings: in many cultures it was a symbol of wisdom and alchemic knowledge. It is a destructive elemental force that generates rebirth, hence still today a symbol of creativity and fertility. In Buddhist tradition he purifying force of fire dispels ignorance to promote truth; in Tantric rituals all-consuming fire is visualised to eradicate hate, one of the most undesirable human curses, root of all suffering along with greed and delusion. And, of course, fire has a powerful sexual meaning in the wonderful healing Trantric practices.
I very much identify with Fire amongst the other classical elements of Water, Earth, Wind and Aether. Fire is present in the logo in the shape of Tibetan-style flames below Garuda’s wings.
Buddhist art: Cosmic Fire
Yab-Yun: Tibetan Tantric sexual ritual, union of Wisdom and Compassion
Cult of Fire: esoteric black metal
Dornenreich: the fire within
The most intimate part of or consciousness: we are made of stars, and to them we shall return! Since primordial times those cold, unreachable, dark bodies became symbol of wonder, hope and mystery; they provided silent dreamy comfort in our darkest, vulnerable, lonely nights. We evolved to fear, respect and adore them as gods, longing for their protection; to this day they are guiding companions whispering to our innate metaphysical yearnings. Ah, man’s delusions!...
Our history is profoundly linked to our relationship with the celestial vault above us: I often marvel at the achievements of Indian and Greek thinkers who developed the first theories of atomism in 6th and 5th century BC respectively! Later, centuries of religious obscurantism, when scientists, astronomers and mathematicians had no choice but becoming recluse monks or face torture, incarceration and death, plunged Europe into darkness and superstition, something we are paying a huge price for to this very day. And yet, man's thirst for truths did not wane... Today we know that the cosmos is the cold, distant theatre of unimaginably violent, terrifying natural events, yet we still dream of travelling through its depths, spiritually and physically. Space does not belong to us: we belong to space! How not to have a forest of stars in Wyrd's Flight logo?...
Stargazing: a timeless pursuit.
("To gaze is to think" said Salvador Dali)
Warren Filed (Aberdeenshire, Scotland): the oldest lunar/seasonal calendar known, dating back to 8000BC!
The Nebra Sky Disk (Germany): the oldest physical depiction of the cosmos, dating 1600BC
Voivod's scary universe
Oranssi Pazuzu: cosmic explorations
Darkspace: the enigma of the abyss
Between Garuda’s demon horns is a solar disc, much like the headdress of Isis, sister-wife of Osiris in Egyptian mythology. The figure of Isis is central in protection and healing magic: sun worship is the most ancient and universal practice throughout all civilisations. Isis represents beautifully the supreme essence of the female role within the cosmic cycle, going well beyond that of mother and spouse, since she actually had the power to give Osiris his life back. Like with the cult of Mithras, the myth of Isis was later hijacked by emerging Christianity, where the Egyptian goddess became the pious, grieving virgin Mary. Interestingly, the male-centred Abrahamic culture not only stripped Mary (Isis) of her sexuality but also of her healing powers, since she was powerless in front of Jesus' death. It might seem ironic that Christians have been adoring the same gods they ruthlessly destroyed, but the real issue is: why do we STILL need something, someone to worship, a master (of love/hate) to follow? I am no-one's slave, and never will be.
Our own breathtaking Sun
Lord Surya, Hindu Sun God
Isis and Osiris
Mithra, looking a bit like Jesus
Aztec Sun Stone
One of Ulver's most iconic covers
Inside the sun disc a Celtic Tree epitomises the final and central element of Wyrd’s Flight logo and ethos.
The Tree has been widely worshipped from ancient times as a representation of the cycle of Life, a symbol of fertility and immortality.
In the Bible the Tree of Knowledge is the aloof spectator of mankind's fall from Paradise blamed on Eve's desire for learning (hence women were, and in many countries still are, not allowed to have an education). Let's move swiftly on...
In Buddhist tradition we have the wonderful, positive image of the Tree of Enlightenment under which Gautama Buddha finally understood the workings of the wheel of life.
In pagan and Druidic societies the sacred Tree played a central role, and my Celtic roots are represented through the emblem of the knotted tree. Life on earth is, from a biological and evolutionary point of view, a mind-blowing spectacle we are privileged to be an intrinsic part of. If nature does not overwhelm you with emotions, then it means you are dead. Literally.
The Tree represents the most universal of totems, the most accessible, beautiful, humble ancestral deity breathing for and with us, a comforting silent presence to behold. Every single day I gaze at the trees I encounter on my path as benign kins. We are made of the same life building blocks and we owe them our existence: they have been giving us oxygen, food and shelter. There are now over 7 billion of us... http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
We need trees more than ever!
Celtic Tree of Life
Egyptian Tree of Life
The Biblical Tree of Knowledge
Lord Shiva under the Tree of Life
Gautama Buddha under the Tree of Enlightenment
Make no mistake, even in the past man has been foolish enough to destroy its habitat for good. Two well known examples come to mind: in the space of 500 years Viking settlers in Greenland caused irreversible environmental damage through intensive deforestation; the Rapa Nui in Easter Island did the same, until they were themselves extinct. We need to reconnect with our natural being in a more honest and powerful way, taking charge of our individual and collective destinies through healthy, positive scientific education as solid base for our dreams. Scientific knowledge does not equate to meaningless, addictive gadgets to be enslaved by (that is consumerism-driven exploitation of technology, a by-product of science that should have positive advantages if used ethically): it means finding out how nature actually works. It means to be blown away by its hidden wonders (its mind-blowing workings beat any science fiction, mythology and fairy tale a million times over!). It means to fall in love with nature deeply in all its aspects, and learn to respect it. And with it, to respect ourselves, because we too ARE IT.
Negura Bunget
In the Woods
Woods of Desolation